
Friday, December 11, 2020

Cucumber Land


For inquiry we are focusing on civilizations. First we had to learn about all of the different ecosystems and different civilizations. There was Savannah, rainforest desert, wetlands, and more.I chose the rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest. I like cucumbers, so I decided to call my civilization... Cucumber Land!

When my original civilisation deleted, I was really disapointed. I had to restart my whole thing. But thanks to my my sisters help, I got it finished just in time. When I made the slide, I found it easy to get all of the infomation on to the slide. My souces are Google slides, my sisters (Who love real sauce), and Minecraft education edition. 

What would you call your civilization?

Friday, November 20, 2020


 Ki Ora! 

At school we had some time to write a story about space. I love free writing. I like how when you free write you can choose where your story ends up. My story is a work in progress.

Here is my story:

When I started to make my story I found it easy to do because I can make it go where ever I want. My source was google slides, google docs, and If you were in charge of the story what would you do with it?


Friday, November 6, 2020

Mr Blue Sky English & Māori

  Kia ora Everybody!

Last week at school we had to choose a song and change it up to make the words a mixture of Māori and English. Me and my friend Izzy chose one of our favourtite songs. The song that we chose was Mr Blue Sky. 

Here is our slide:

When me and Izzy did this we found it easier than we expected because we used Māori dictionary. Our source was google slides and Māori dictionary. 

What song would you choose?

Friday, October 23, 2020


 Kia ora! For writing we were allowed to write whatever we like! We had some topics to choose from though. I thought that the option Alien Planet sounded pretty interesting, so I wrote a story which is not yet finished about an Alien Planet. This story was originally made on google docs but I changed it to google slides. 

Here is my story:

When I wrote my story, I really enjoyed to free write. I did find it challenging to think of how my characters will react. My source was google slides. If you were Human, how would you react to seeing Aliens?

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Hello. Today is pink shirt day which is a day to show that you are helping Stomping Out Bullying! I decided that I would make a poster showing that I want to help stopping bullying! If everyone treats everyone the way you want to be treated, we can stop bullying!

When I made this I found it kind of easy to come up with why people should not bully. My source was google slides. How will you help stop bullying?

Friday, September 25, 2020

Te Reo Scavenger Hunt

 Hi! At school my teachers told us to pair up in two's or 3's and take photos of around the school and put it on a slide. Me and my friend Emily (She is the person I paired up with) tried to put the photos into our drive but it just didn't work! So in the end we had to add the photos to the slide. Click on the stars on the map (Slide 2) to go to the photos.

Here is the slide:

When me and Emily did this we found it easy to take the photos but we also thought it was challenging to link the photos. Once we linked the first photo, it made all of the other photos so much easier! Our source was google slides and images. What photos would you take of your school?

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Sign Language Week

 Hello. At school it is Sign Language Week.  My teacher, (Miss Smith) said that we had to make a slide or animation of how to do the alphabet in sign language. I made a slide with my friends Aliah and Amelia. Here is our slide:

When my group did this we found it hard to get all of the sign language correct. I could not take any photos or video because my camera on my chrome book does not work. Our source was google slides and images. Can you do your name in sign language? 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Maths Warm Ups

Hi. At Maths me and my group had to do Maths Warm Ups. I have not completed all of the questions yet. I do not like Maths that much. I added the Giraffe because I was bored.
Here is the slide:

When I was answering the questions I found it hard to work the questions out. My source was a slide that my teacher (Miss Roberts) made for the group. Do you like Maths? What do you do when you are on a slide and you are bored?

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Pukeko Disco!

Hi. For Inquiry I am doing Digital Music. Each person doing Digital Music had to make a piece of music that people would dance to. Our purpose of the was to get people dancing and moving around. We made our music by using 
Chrome Music Lab  . Our audience was the younger kids. On Chrome Music Lab.

Here is my music that I made:
When I made this piece of music I found it hard to make sure the piece of music could be played at a disco. My source was Chrome Music Lab and Google Slides. What do you think I could of changed about my music?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Digital Music

Hi. For Inquiry me and my class are doing Digital Music. In my classroom we have 3 rotations. The rotations are Coding,Digital Music, and 3D printing. My class are on the 2nd rotation. We have already done coding, so after this rotation will be 3D printing. The slide has not been completely finished so that is why some slides don't have much on.

When I did this I found it challenging to get all of the research into my own words. My favourite part so far is making the music. If you go onto the 2nd slide you can find the music that I made. If you want to make your own music search up Chrome Music Lab. I had a lot of sources involved in the slide so I will try to name as many as I can. Sources: Google search, google slides, Chrome Music Lab, History of drums, and more. What do you think I could add to make my music better?

Friday, August 14, 2020

The day Penguins take over the world! (Actually only America but who cares).

 Hello. A few days ago, me and my friend Izzy made an animation called The day Penguins take over the world! (Actually only America but who cares). Izzy and me made this when we came back from Winter Sport. 

Here is the animation:

The reason why me and Izzy said ignore spelling mistakes is not because me & Izzy don't know how to spell, it is because King Penguin is still learning English. Me and Izzy's source was google slides and our brains. When me and Izzy did this we found it fun but at times challenging. Like when we have to decide what country the penguins invade and take over. The animation is still being made so we will hopefully do that soon. What country would you make the penguins invade?

Friday, August 7, 2020

How to care for a worm

Hi. For writing we are doing Instructional Writing. My teacher, Miss Smith told the class to come up with their own idea and make it into a video. I chose to do How to Care for a Worm.
Here is my video:
When I did this I thought it was easy because I had already written out a script. My source was Adobe spark, my script, and my brain. What would you do your video about?

Friday, July 31, 2020

Which Hogwarts house are you in?

Hello and welcome to my blog post about what Hogwarts house you are in. In Inquiry me and my group are learning about computer science. My Inquiry teachers decided that they would halve the class into two groups. The first group was Turning Tumbles, and the the other was pick a path (It's kind of hard to explain what we were doing so this is not exactly what we did.).

When I did this I thought it was hard to come up with all of the questions. The green arrow is yes and the red arrow is no. My source was google slides and my brain. What Hogwarts house are you in?

Vocabulary - The Explorer

Hi! For reading I am reading a book called The Explorer. After I finished writing my answers to my questions I had to do some activities. I would like to share this activity with you.

When I did this I found it hard to make sure all of the words were not copied and pasted. My source was the dictionary, my brain, and google slides. What other words do you want to know?

Friday, July 3, 2020

Differences between two schools and my school

Hi! For Cyber smart we had to see differences and things that are the same with two different schools.

Here is the differences and similar things to my school and the two other schools.

My source was google drawings, the other schools blog posts, and my brain. When I did this I thought it was hard because it was not the same layout on their blog post. What could I add?

Thursday, July 2, 2020

My Matariki animation

Hi! For Inquiry we are focusing on Matariki. We had a question that we needed to answer. That question was "Should all New Zealanders celebrate Matariki?". I decided I would make a animation showing my work. You will know my opinion if you watch my animation.

Here is my animation:

When I did this animation I thought it was easy because it was my own opinion not anyone elses. My source was google slides, and my brain. Do you think that Matariki should be celebrated by all New Zealanders?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My Website

Hi! For my Inquiry option I chose to do Thankfulness and Mindfulness. To show my learning my Inquiry group had to make a site. The site is for people to calm down and it has some tips and tricks in it as well.
Here is the link to my site:

When I made my site I thought it was easier then I thought it would be. My source was the internet, Google sites, and my brain. What do you think I could do better next time?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Private and Public

Hi! For Cybersmart we are learning about what we think should not go on our blog, and go on my blog. When I did this I thought it was easy because I was doing it and it was my opinion not anyone elses. My source was google drawing. What would you keep public or private?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

My Profile

Hello. For Cyber smart  on Thursday we had to make our own profile.
Here is my profile:
 When I did this I thought it was easy because it was me writing it. My source was google drawings and my brain. What is your favourite hobby? 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sandy The Dragon!

Hi and welcome to my blog post. For writing we are doing creative writing. And for this lesson we did it on a baby dragon. I made up a story for my dragon on google slides.

When I did this I thought it was easy because I can make up and add anything I want. My sources are Google slides, my brain, and a picture. What would you call the dragon?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My New Puppy

Hi and welcome to my blog post on my new puppy! The puppy is a boy. He is 10 weeks old. We got him on 15th of June 2020. We have not named him get.                               
Here are some photos:                 

He was the runt of the litter. The runt means that the puppy is the smallest of the litter.

Friday, June 12, 2020

My Elephant Video

Hi Bloggers! A few weeks ago I made a Adobe Spark on Elephants for writing. I still remember how I felt when I did it.
Here is my video:
When I did this I found it easier because I did not have to write my own script. My source was Adobe spark and a script. What do you think I could do better in my next Adobe spark?

Captain Cook Word Find

Hi! Welcome to my Word Find blog post. For Literacy I had some choices to choose from. I choose to do a word find on Captain James Cook.                                            Here is my word find:
When I did this I found it easier because I made up my own words. My source was google docs, and my brain. Can you find all of the words? Please comment if you did!                                         

Monday, June 8, 2020

My Corny Joke

Hello! For Inquiry we are doing rotations. For the first rotation my class where making videos on Adobe Spark. We were told to make a corny joke.

Here is my joke:
When I did this I thought it was easy because we had to get a joke from the Internet.

My source was Adobe spark and the internet.

What corny joke would you do?

Friday, June 5, 2020


Hello! For Cybersmart we were looking at things on our blog for a blog scavenger hunt.
Here is my scavenger hunt:
When I did this I thought it was hard finding all of the stuff on my blog.
My source was my blog.

Do you know a easier way to find stuff on my blog? If you do please comment.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Should animals be kept in Zoos?

Hi! For reading we had a slide called The Zoo Debate. At the end of the slide we had some choices. One of the choices where to make your own debate on if animals should be kept in zoos or not.

Here is my debate:

When I did this I thought it was easy because it was my opinion. My source was google slides and my opinion. What do you think?

Friday, May 29, 2020

My Math

Hello! For math this week we have been focusing on area. We did some area art and this is my one:
When I did this I found it quite easy to do because I used a calculator.But it was a bit challenging doing length and width.

My source was the grid paper, some pencils, and my brain.
What do you think I could do better next time?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Rejuvenation SOL

Hi! In Korimako we are doing a thing called SOL. SOL stands for Student Organised Learning . The teachers in Korimako said to do our SOL on enviromental rejuvenation.

When I did this I thought it would be hard but it was actually easier than what I thought it would be like. My source was google, google slides, and my brain. I put this work into my own words so it is not copied and pasted.
What do you think I could improve or do better next time?

Friday, May 15, 2020

My Sleepover.

Hello! On Thursday it was Zoe Davies's birthday. I live five houses away from her so I came over to celebrate. And then we persuaded the parent to have a sleepover on a school night AND on Friday to Saturday.

                                                                                                                   Here is a photo that we took:
 The first night was so cool! I was sleeping at Zoe's house. The Davies's dog came in on to sleep with me at three in the morning! The dog is called Mika. 

Did you have a sleepover or hangout with your friends? If you did what did you do?                                                                                                                   

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mothers Day

Hi! Today for my blog post I decided to follow a video of how to draw a Best Mum Heart.
If you want to check it out press this link:

                                                                                                                   Here is my Heart:
When I did this I thought it was much easier to do with a video. If I did not have a video I could still do it but it would be harder.

My source was the video that was playing. What do you think I could do better next time?                                                                                                                  

Friday, May 1, 2020

Information Reports African Elephant

Hello. This is my blog post on my writing. For writing I am doing information reports on African Elephants. I have just started so the slide is not fully finished. When I did the research it was harder than I expected because I had to go to lots of different websites. My sources where the websites I went to.
What animal would you do?


Friday, April 24, 2020

ANZAC Day Word Search

Hello! For ANZAC day we had to choose a activity to do. I chose a word search. The word search is related to ANZAC day.                                                                         Here is the word search:
                                                                                                    The words are:

  • WAR
  • ARMY

When I did this I thought it was hard coming up with 10 words so I went on the internet which helped.

My source was the internet and my brain. Comment when you have found them all! What could I have done better next time?               

Thursday, April 23, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 8

Hi! For the 25 day drawing challenge on day eight you had to draw a creepy insect. I chose to do a spider.                                                                                              Here is my drawing:
                                                                                When I did this I thought it was easy because I know what spiders look like.
My source was the spider in my room and my brain.

What do you think I can do better next time?                     

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Hi! Today I did a game on scratch. The game was originally made by my sister. I just changed the costumes they were in. If you press the green flag then nothing will happen. It is just a photo.
                                                                                                           Here is the photo:
                                                                                  When I did this it was more simple because my sister already did the coding.

My source was my sisters scratch.

I have made some myself I just decided to post this one.

It is called Cats Away!

What would you call yours?                         

Monday, April 20, 2020

Quizzlice Quarantine Questions

Hi! For our maths we had to make five videos and answer some questions. Mr Bell made a video of him shooting a ball into a washing basket.  When I did this I thought it was hard to put in the videos but then my dad helped me. My source was Mr Bell's video. What do you think I could do better next time?                                                                                       

Friday, April 17, 2020

No Sew Sock Bunny

Hi! For the afternoon learning tasks I decided I would do a no sew bunny. My sister helped me with this. My sister made one and I made one.                                       Here are the bunnies:
                                                                                 When I did this I thought it would be simple but I had to use a smaller sock which made it a lot harder.

My source was the video. What do you think me and my sister could have done better?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Perspective Drawing

Hi! For the afternoon learning tasks I decided I would do perspective drawing.I followed a video which helped.                                                                                            Here is my drawing:
                                                                                When I did this I thought it was quite hard to get the right sizes. If you are going to do this I would suggest to do the lines lightly and then when you are happy with it you go over the lines.

My source was the video on the afternoon learning tasks slide. What could I improve?           

My Maths

For maths we are doing a thing were you have to find food and put them into food groups.My teacher wanted us to level two and level three. We get to choose what one we to. I choose level two.
                                                                                                             Here is my graph:
                                                                                   When I did this I thought it was easy to do because google sheets was very helpful.
Level two was food groups inside my fridge and freezer. The

The food group with the most items are vegetables and the least was fruit. I was surprised because I thought there would be more fruit.
My investigations show that there are more vegetables,protein,and dairy than grains and fruit.

My source was the tally chart I did before.
What level did you do?

Friday, April 3, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 7

Hi! For day seven on the 25 day drawing challenge you had to draw a colourful bird. I don't know much colourful birds so I went on the internet and searched up colourful birds. I decided I would do the Lilac breasted roller.                                                                                  Here is my drawing:
When I did this I thought it was quite hard
to do all of the right angles and lines so,
I did it lightly and when I liked it I
made the line darker.

My source was the internet and my
brain. What is your favourite
colourful bird?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 6

Hi! For the sixth day of the 25 day drawing challenge you had to draw under the sea. I chose to do a cartoon type.                                                                                 Here is my drawing:

 When I did this I thought it was easier to do
 because I am better doing cartoon than realistic drawings. What animals would you do for under the sea?                                                                             

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 5

Hi! For the 25 day drawing challenge it said on day five you have to draw your house.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Here is my drawing:                                                                                                                                                                                                            When I did this I thought it would be hard to
                                                                                             draw so I searched up my house address and
                                                                                            saw a picture of my house. My source was a                                                                                                picture on the internet and my brain. What                                                                                                do you think I could do better next time?

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 4

Hi! This is my fourth day doing the 25 day drawing challenge. On the slides it said to draw a fish. I don't have a favourite fish so I went on the internet and searched tropical fish. I do not know the name because it did not say on the photo.
                                                                                                                  Here is my drawing:
                                                                                                     When I did this I thought it was a lot simpler because I had a photo in front of me. My source was the internet. What is your favourite fish? What could I do better?

Monday, March 30, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 3

Hi! I am doing the 25 day drawing challenge and this is day three.
On the slide it said on day three draw your favourite sport.                     Here is my drawing:
 When I did this I thought it was hard to draw so I went on the
internet and searched up the shape a hockey stick. Then I
did the design on the hockey stick. My source was my brain
and a bit of the internet. What is your favourite sport?                                                                                                               

Friday, March 27, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge Day 2

Hi. This is my second day doing the 25 day drawing challenge. On day two it said to draw your favourite animal.                                                                                       
                                                                                                               Here is my drawing:
                                                                                                      When I did this I thought it was easy because I pictured it in
   my head. My source was my brain. What is your favourite

Thursday, March 26, 2020

25 Day Drawing Challenge

When I was in self isolation I chose to do the 25 day drawing challenge on the korimako hub slides.
                                                                                                                              Here is my drawing:
  The first one on the 25 drawing challenge was draw yourself.
  When I did this I thought it was quite hard to make it look like     me. My source was a mirror and my brain.  What do you think I could improve?                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hay Day Chicken

Hi my name is Mabel and this is my blog post on a hay day chicken.
                                                                                                               This is my drawing:
When I did this I thought it was easier to do with a video. My
sister helped me draw this. My source was the video. If you did the drawing option what drawing did you do? If you did not do the drawing option what do you think I could improve?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Hi! While I was in self isolation I went on to the set of slides and I chose cooking.

Here are the pancakes that I made.

110 Grams of plain flour
Two eggs
200 millilitres of milk
75 millilitres of water
15 grams of butter

When I did this I thought it was quite easy because I had a recipe.
My source was my mum's old cooking book. If you chose cooking on the slides what did you make?

Monday, March 23, 2020

My Family History

Hi my name is Mabel. If you think that my slide has not much on it, its because I have not finished it yet. When I did this I thought it was quite challenging to put it into my own words. My source was my mum. What did you do your inquiry on? What could I improve next time?

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cyber Smart Animation

Hi i'm Mabel and this is my animation for cyber smart. If you think that there is not much on my animation it is because I have not finished yet. My source was the plan that I did before this slide. When I did this I thought it was much easier to do it because I had a plan to follow. If you are a year 5 what choice did you do? If you are not a year 5 what do you think I could do better next time?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Reading - Ships Captain

This week in reading we did a book called Ships Captain.  Have you done anything like this? If you have what was it called? When I did this I thought it was easier than the last one I did.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Hedgehog Writing

This week I had to do descriptive writing and is my second blog post. We had a choice of using a bicycle, a tube of lipstick, a pizza, a hedgehog, and a tennis racket. I chose to do a bicycle, a pizza, and a tennis racket to try and put some humour into it.

I was sitting in my cosy white bicycle when I started to put on my lipstick and eat my cheese and pepperoni pizza. My prickles were touching the wooden basket. It was like there was a huge bug biting me. It was really uncomfortable. I was thinking about the word tennis and what it could be. Could it be squishing ants?, could it be another type of pizza?. Whatever it was I like the sound of it. The next thing I know I hear screeching and screaming it was a deafening sound. There was a dark shadow looming over me screaming and crying and staring at me. It was creepy. The giant started to yell “ Mummy! Mummy! There is a hedgehog in my bicycle!”. More screaming more crying.

Friday, March 6, 2020

2/3/2020 Poetry Task The naughtiest thing did when I was younger

The Naughtiest thing I did when I was younger:
                                    I have avoided the bath that was going to make me clean
                        and which you were probably angry to see the brown trail down the hall
                                            forgive me it was my highlight of the day
                           so disgusting I loved it and so mucky my parents nearly exploded.
  Have you ever done something so naughty your parents nearly exploded? Hi my name is Mabel and this is my doc about This is Just to say. When I did this I thought it was quite hard to remember what I did when I was younger. It was hard to remember because that was ages ago. And now there more things going on in my life.